Saturday, January 8, 2011

The End of that.

It's been a while since I have blogged about being single, but I have had a few people in the past couple of weeks inquire, like really intrusively inquire, almost grilling about how we are all doing. Part of it is they want to know what's going on. For any of you who might be the same -- here's the checklist: I've dated but am not currently and don't see that changing any time soon (because that's not what I am up to right now). Josh is dating and seems happy, although he shares zero details with me. Hunter is preparing to become a high school graduate and is not dating anyone and Ivey is becoming quite her own person and is not dating either. It's exciting and scary and I know everyone gets sick of me saying how proud I am of both of them, but they really are two of the most spectacular human beings I know and I am honestly quite honored to be able to say I am related to them. I absolutely love it when people mistakenly (and I usually allow them!) assume that it must have something to do with spectacular parenting.

While I can't say I am happy Josh and I got a divorce or that my life at this point is better than it was when our marriage was good, I am not sorry it happened. My kids handled everything spectacular. I hate that they have had to learn and experience the lessons they have undoubtedly learned because of their "broken home" (gag, what a truly awful term). At the same time, I think, in usual Hunter and Ivey fashion, they have taken the past year's worth of experiences and learned from them and tucked things under their own hats-filed away for future reference so they perhaps won't have to make the same mistakes as their parentals have. Maybe that's my own wishful thinking so they don't have to experience the muck, but I do also hope they experienced it at the same time in a sick, guilty way. As much as we tried to shelter them and keep things friendly, and I think we really did, I also believe with all great adversity comes the only real growth. I hope they snatched that part of it up and will run with it when the time comes and use it to their benefit.

Now, Josh and I are still friends. During the holidays, we spent time together and a part. It wasn't great, it wasn't awful. It just was. There was no drama, no particular stress. There was no swallowed anger, it was just fine. We both separately enjoyed the kids in the way only we do, and spent time with those we love in our ways. We spent time with our families and ate, and drank and played games and laughed and really experienced the love that surrounded us. I didn't feel like anything was missing and I felt complete. The one thing I did realize is the lack of exhaustion from fighting. Not fighting with each other, but with the inevitable that I was working hard to keep together something that should have been let go of a very long time ago. I never realized how exhausting it was until it wasn't anymore.

So, there you have it. Things are peaceful. Our house is harmonious and although that definitely does not mean quiet, is comfortable and easy. And for the next very short few months that I can be sure both of my kids are still under my roof, I am going to continue enjoying the heck out of them, having dance parties in the living room during the middle of dinner, appreciating inappropriate behavior that I should be disgusted with and well, just being their proud proud mom. Oh, and enjoying that bathroom that is c-l-o-s-e to being done! Finally.