Sunday, January 24, 2010

Just so you know...

It has seemed like this perfectly orchestrated schedule of friends, family and those I love calling to check in, ask how we are, stop by, etc. It has made me realize how very very fortunate I am to have such wonderful people in our world. With that said, please don't stop. I love hearing from those I love, and have also loved hearing from those I haven't talked to in a very long time. I really appreciate it.

Since things are kind of not complete yet (by that I mean Josh has moved out, but hasn't taken everything of his), there are those constant reminders that set off a flurry of feelings, and stir things inside me I don't particularly like. Anger, sadness, pity, resentment, embarassment to name a few. Not to say that all is bad. I have also been hit with a new feeling about all this--excitement. Excitement mostly about finding out exactly who Erika is and what she's made of. It's going to take me a while to work all this out for myself, but don't say you weren't warned.

Look out world! Hang on to your hats, it should be interesting...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

putting it out there.

I am a single mother. I am no longer a part of a couple. WHEW! It's out there. Brumley and I are not staying together. If you are scanning quickly trying to find out exactly what happened, it won't be here. All that needs to be said is that we have grown apart and have both changed. He is still the same great Brumley and I am still the same great me. We are just going to be that and not be living under the same roof. The kids are good. They are handling it much better than anyone else, actually. We are staying close friends (how could we not after being best friends for 2o-something years??), and are committed to supporting each other through this in every way.

As we continue on and forge ahead in the many, many firsts that will come our way in the next however long, please send love our way. We all will desperately need it.