Thank you to all who have come out, sent friends, liked us on Facebook, sent love, done countless favors for and generally supported us with our little shop's opening. The love and support has been overwhelming. Hopefully we can keep the momentum going and have it be super successful. It is crazy fun being here every day and people seem to be responding. We already have regular customers and friendships are growing every day. That said, we spend countless hours doing it. The thing is, we love it. It's our hobby and passion and we're together and yes, I realize that that sounds a little like a junky rationalizing the overworking, but whatev. It feels good and it's only temporary while things get off the ground. I think.
Last night, I was invited to try a week of turning off the tv, phone, computer, ipad, basically any and every electronic device (besides work of course) and spend that time "being" with family and friends. After considering overnight, I have decided to take the challenge, not that that by itself would be much, if any, challenge. The reason - almost 100% of my electronic energy is spent doing "work" things. So I will easily be able to eliminate all for-funzies time. But I am going to up the ante. I know that at least one person will be super glad, one person might be scared and no one else will probably care. Ivey, for one week, we will not work past 7:00 and will be home for dinner. Every night. Mitch, yes, that "we" includes you, sir. What I would also like is for friends and family to jump in and let's make dinner dates that week so we can be sure to catch up like we all keep meaning to.
This morning on Facebook (ok, this was purely personal and for no work at all), a friend posted a link to a young woman (under 30) who died this morning from breast cancer after a long battle. Her blog is here, which I had never read before - After scrolling through her eloquent words, I feel even more compelled to do this. Please let me know what night the week of April 28th you would like in on dinner. If that doesn't work, what does? With yet another death two weeks ago of an uncle of mine, another reminder of our precious time, relationships and nurturing those. None of us have a guarantee for tomorrow, and let's make today count. Together.
Peace, love and unlimited hugs!
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