It's official. Mitch and I are officially empty-nesters.
I no longer know when my kiddos are home safe in bed. I do, however, assume that when I go to bed at 9:00 pm, they are tucked safely in their own beds at their own homes. Reasonable, no?
I no longer get to share breakfasts every day or occasional late-night snacks accidentally. I do however, get to be intentional about when/how/if I see them regularly and make it count. I don't know when they have gotten up on time to be at school or at work.
I no longer have a multitude of clothing choices made possible by Ivey's shopping habit. I no longer have my own personal in-house fashion advisor. I no longer have the option of throwing in the towel and having my in-house hair stylist finish the job on a bad hair day.
I'm glad that our new empty-nest status has come to be in a fancy new place, otherwise old sads from Hunter moving out would be there on top of new ones from his baby sister following in his footsteps.
Our dishwasher remains mostly empty, only needing to be run every few days. Our leftovers NEVER get eaten. I know when I put something somewhere if it isn't exactly who to blame. He can't even deny it, either.
My heart is full and my heart is torn around the edges, too, because although I want them to live with us forever, I get that's not a good idea. Not for anyone. I hate that they have flanked themselves all across Texas, but am grateful it's just Texas.
If you are reading this, call your Mom. She misses you. If you aren't blessed to have your mom still on the planet, feel free to call me. I'll mother you when you need it (or don't). I know it's selfish, and I'll stop being so real soon. Or at least soonish.
I am a wedding planner, officiant and Fierce Advocate for Fun. I am a repurposing/recycling/resale business co-owner. I am not a newlywed anymore, but definitely still feel like it every single day. I am a mom to four fantastic humans. I don't live an exciting life, but keep reading if you'd like anyway.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Charlie, baby b, Little e, Ivey and our little one who is not.
This last week (well, actually year) has been a whirlwind. Mitch and I had the honor and pleasure of chaperoning the after-prom-all-night-party and being there with our kiddo. Then last week, all the getting-ready-for-graduation hysteria, and alas, Sunday's big hooplah. High School Graduation - Birdville Hawks, Class of 2013.
Ick. She did it. I drove her to the Convention Center and she got out to go inside and as she walked away from me with her cap and gown over her arm, with her little curls bouncing and her sweet dress blowing in the wind, I started crying because I instantly was reminded of when she was running off into her kindergarten class. I got it all together and only sniffled a few times at graduation, more proud than sad. We celebrated big for her and I think she felt loved in the way she deserves to feel loved. It's fun to see her parents, step-parents, grand-parents, on and on all the people I know love her surround her and be with her on these special milestones. As a mom, anyone who loves my kids is somewhat ok in my book. But what's really fun is getting to meet her people - the people she's adding to her own village and those who recognize who she is. As her mom, it makes me giddy and puffy-chested.
Then, in very whirlwind fashion, she was scheduled to take her Cosmetology State Board practical exam 36 hours later. In Austin. Now, I'm not whining about having to go visit Austin. At all. We took a little road trip together and it was not only a great memory, it was fun and I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
Sidenote - on the way to Austin, we stopped in West. Our hearts broke as we drove through the cute little town and saw the devastation left by the explosion. We knew, but seeing a woman in front of her house with no doors, windows, walls, etc., outside tending to her beautifully manicured flower garden was inspiring. She said with that act that she had no intention of being gone long. She has big plans to be right there and didn't want her roses, her petunias, her daffodils or her hydrangea to suffer because she missed a season of caring for them. Say a prayer for this town.
Now - Ivey and I stayed in a darling hotel, ventured out to Congress, 6th Street, and almost witnessed the bats, but settled for other adventures instead. I loved being by her side while she began her state board exam and sat outside on pins and needles waiting the three hours for her to come out after we models were done and had to leave. It was heart-wrenching watching her be so nervous, but I was equally as excited when she came out of the building grinning from ear to ear. So - we have a new hair stylist in the family, y'all!
Congrats to you and all that you are and all that you will be, Ivey Michelle. I'm proud to know you and prouder to be your mama and friend.
Ick. She did it. I drove her to the Convention Center and she got out to go inside and as she walked away from me with her cap and gown over her arm, with her little curls bouncing and her sweet dress blowing in the wind, I started crying because I instantly was reminded of when she was running off into her kindergarten class. I got it all together and only sniffled a few times at graduation, more proud than sad. We celebrated big for her and I think she felt loved in the way she deserves to feel loved. It's fun to see her parents, step-parents, grand-parents, on and on all the people I know love her surround her and be with her on these special milestones. As a mom, anyone who loves my kids is somewhat ok in my book. But what's really fun is getting to meet her people - the people she's adding to her own village and those who recognize who she is. As her mom, it makes me giddy and puffy-chested.
Then, in very whirlwind fashion, she was scheduled to take her Cosmetology State Board practical exam 36 hours later. In Austin. Now, I'm not whining about having to go visit Austin. At all. We took a little road trip together and it was not only a great memory, it was fun and I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
Sidenote - on the way to Austin, we stopped in West. Our hearts broke as we drove through the cute little town and saw the devastation left by the explosion. We knew, but seeing a woman in front of her house with no doors, windows, walls, etc., outside tending to her beautifully manicured flower garden was inspiring. She said with that act that she had no intention of being gone long. She has big plans to be right there and didn't want her roses, her petunias, her daffodils or her hydrangea to suffer because she missed a season of caring for them. Say a prayer for this town.
Now - Ivey and I stayed in a darling hotel, ventured out to Congress, 6th Street, and almost witnessed the bats, but settled for other adventures instead. I loved being by her side while she began her state board exam and sat outside on pins and needles waiting the three hours for her to come out after we models were done and had to leave. It was heart-wrenching watching her be so nervous, but I was equally as excited when she came out of the building grinning from ear to ear. So - we have a new hair stylist in the family, y'all!
Congrats to you and all that you are and all that you will be, Ivey Michelle. I'm proud to know you and prouder to be your mama and friend.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Thank you to all who have come out, sent friends, liked us on Facebook, sent love, done countless favors for and generally supported us with our little shop's opening. The love and support has been overwhelming. Hopefully we can keep the momentum going and have it be super successful. It is crazy fun being here every day and people seem to be responding. We already have regular customers and friendships are growing every day. That said, we spend countless hours doing it. The thing is, we love it. It's our hobby and passion and we're together and yes, I realize that that sounds a little like a junky rationalizing the overworking, but whatev. It feels good and it's only temporary while things get off the ground. I think.
Last night, I was invited to try a week of turning off the tv, phone, computer, ipad, basically any and every electronic device (besides work of course) and spend that time "being" with family and friends. After considering overnight, I have decided to take the challenge, not that that by itself would be much, if any, challenge. The reason - almost 100% of my electronic energy is spent doing "work" things. So I will easily be able to eliminate all for-funzies time. But I am going to up the ante. I know that at least one person will be super glad, one person might be scared and no one else will probably care. Ivey, for one week, we will not work past 7:00 and will be home for dinner. Every night. Mitch, yes, that "we" includes you, sir. What I would also like is for friends and family to jump in and let's make dinner dates that week so we can be sure to catch up like we all keep meaning to.
This morning on Facebook (ok, this was purely personal and for no work at all), a friend posted a link to a young woman (under 30) who died this morning from breast cancer after a long battle. Her blog is here, which I had never read before - After scrolling through her eloquent words, I feel even more compelled to do this. Please let me know what night the week of April 28th you would like in on dinner. If that doesn't work, what does? With yet another death two weeks ago of an uncle of mine, another reminder of our precious time, relationships and nurturing those. None of us have a guarantee for tomorrow, and let's make today count. Together.
Peace, love and unlimited hugs!
Last night, I was invited to try a week of turning off the tv, phone, computer, ipad, basically any and every electronic device (besides work of course) and spend that time "being" with family and friends. After considering overnight, I have decided to take the challenge, not that that by itself would be much, if any, challenge. The reason - almost 100% of my electronic energy is spent doing "work" things. So I will easily be able to eliminate all for-funzies time. But I am going to up the ante. I know that at least one person will be super glad, one person might be scared and no one else will probably care. Ivey, for one week, we will not work past 7:00 and will be home for dinner. Every night. Mitch, yes, that "we" includes you, sir. What I would also like is for friends and family to jump in and let's make dinner dates that week so we can be sure to catch up like we all keep meaning to.
This morning on Facebook (ok, this was purely personal and for no work at all), a friend posted a link to a young woman (under 30) who died this morning from breast cancer after a long battle. Her blog is here, which I had never read before - After scrolling through her eloquent words, I feel even more compelled to do this. Please let me know what night the week of April 28th you would like in on dinner. If that doesn't work, what does? With yet another death two weeks ago of an uncle of mine, another reminder of our precious time, relationships and nurturing those. None of us have a guarantee for tomorrow, and let's make today count. Together.
Peace, love and unlimited hugs!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
One of my worst pet peeves, that REALLY gets under my skin, is when people make marriage jokes. Especially at weddings. It makes me want to punch them in the face. Not joking. To say anything like "you just sold your soul to the devil", or "life's over now!", or anything like that to me is comparable to a fat joke. Not funny. Ever. It is usually men making said jokes. I'm not being sexist. In my experience, it has been. How does this make their spouse feel? Yikes! Besides being completely inappropriate (at a wedding or anytime), it is obviously a symptom of how taken for granted the idea of marriage is. For some people. Not all. Today, my thoughts are with lawmakers that they put an end to this idiotic argument that is decades past needing to be settled. Please let them do the right thing. #offsoapbox
My uncle, Johnny Lee Rickards, passed away last week. His viewing is tonight and his services are tomorrow. Please say a prayer, send love, and good thoughts to his daughter, Wendy and his wife Janice, stepdaughter Chanum, his siblings Daddy and Cindy and all the rest of our family and other people in the world that knew, loved and care about him. Yet another reminder to not take a single breath for granted, tell those you love that you love them and appreciate what you have while you have it.
Friday we will be celebrating our Grand Opening and are silly busy trying to ready the store (and ourselves) for this event. If you are available, please come!It will be fun - we will have a photobooth and some yummy treats. Our friend, Javier (What's CookN Chef) is bringing his fancy new food truck - not only is it crazy cool and a MUST SEE, he will be serving his latin-infused yummy goodness for our guests this weekend. Come out! We will try hard to make sure you aren't sorry! :)
It is exciting. And fun. And not going to lie - Owning your own business is glamorous, right up until you spend your third or fourth or fifth week in a row out until after midnight schlepping and bad delivery pizza for dinner. Even still, wouldn't change it for the world! Peace and love to you all.
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Johnny and his wife, Janice, at Nanny's funeral 4 yrs. ago |
Friday we will be celebrating our Grand Opening and are silly busy trying to ready the store (and ourselves) for this event. If you are available, please come!It will be fun - we will have a photobooth and some yummy treats. Our friend, Javier (What's CookN Chef) is bringing his fancy new food truck - not only is it crazy cool and a MUST SEE, he will be serving his latin-infused yummy goodness for our guests this weekend. Come out! We will try hard to make sure you aren't sorry! :)
It is exciting. And fun. And not going to lie - Owning your own business is glamorous, right up until you spend your third or fourth or fifth week in a row out until after midnight schlepping and bad delivery pizza for dinner. Even still, wouldn't change it for the world! Peace and love to you all.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Fancy dresses, funky wares and choosing happy
Phew! The holidays are over, and with it the slow wedding season, causing me to have a TON of time to myself with my feet up. HA! Really that couldn't be further from the truth, except for the lag in weddings for the past few months.
We have moved from our little warehouse hobby and opened a big ol' store where we peddle all things groovy. Antiques, office furniture, awesome glass figurines, funky costumes, crystal, lamps, funky stuff, ya know? So we're there, the first week's business was good, simply because we have the coolest friends who support us in a way we never expected. We buy estate sales regularly, so shop early, shop often - you'll see new stuff every time you come. We will give you our word. :) We're there Tuesday through Saturday 9a-6p (and will come early or stay late if we know you're coming!) Find us on Facebook and on our website! I would be remiss if I didn't sincerely thank a couple of people. Indi Jones Butler - for giving your time, fancy style, flair, sass and making things cay-ute! Mimi - who was layed off her job of over 40 years and has spent HOURS working and making things happen along with us. From painting to scrubbing and painting and moving and setting up and bringing lunch and keeping us laughing, painting and bringing dinner to sitting when I have to run out, to everything else she does every single day. Thank you, Mom!
All the shop openings were right in the slow time for weddings, and we finished just in time for them to ramp up again. Perfection in planning?! Officiating a lot in the coming months, doing quite a bit of planning and coordinating still at the Belltower Chapel & Garden. If you have friends who need help - of any kind - with a wedding, tell them to give me a call!
We are prom dress shopping for Ivey's senior prom. A fun experience to say the least. No but really. I am trying hard to ignore the fact that she turns 18 in a month. Yes, in four weeks she turns 18 and 8 weeks after that she will be graduated from high school. I remember being her age and she is so much wiser, so much stronger and has the world by the horns. As much as I want to not be sad about this wonderful milestone for her, allowing her to spread her beautifully mature wings, I can't help but selfishly want to hang on her ankles and beg her not to go. I know it's wrong. Because just as I watched her big brother blossom into the magnificently wonderful life he's growing into, I know she'll grow into her wings. Don't hear me wrong. I'm not apologizing for my selfishness and I won't hesitate to drive her to school, share a lunch with her during the schoolday or shop for glitzy fancy party dresses any chance I get. She's beautiful on the outside, but so much prettier on the inside. OK, I'm done now before I leak.
We have moved from our little warehouse hobby and opened a big ol' store where we peddle all things groovy. Antiques, office furniture, awesome glass figurines, funky costumes, crystal, lamps, funky stuff, ya know? So we're there, the first week's business was good, simply because we have the coolest friends who support us in a way we never expected. We buy estate sales regularly, so shop early, shop often - you'll see new stuff every time you come. We will give you our word. :) We're there Tuesday through Saturday 9a-6p (and will come early or stay late if we know you're coming!) Find us on Facebook and on our website! I would be remiss if I didn't sincerely thank a couple of people. Indi Jones Butler - for giving your time, fancy style, flair, sass and making things cay-ute! Mimi - who was layed off her job of over 40 years and has spent HOURS working and making things happen along with us. From painting to scrubbing and painting and moving and setting up and bringing lunch and keeping us laughing, painting and bringing dinner to sitting when I have to run out, to everything else she does every single day. Thank you, Mom!
All the shop openings were right in the slow time for weddings, and we finished just in time for them to ramp up again. Perfection in planning?! Officiating a lot in the coming months, doing quite a bit of planning and coordinating still at the Belltower Chapel & Garden. If you have friends who need help - of any kind - with a wedding, tell them to give me a call!
We are prom dress shopping for Ivey's senior prom. A fun experience to say the least. No but really. I am trying hard to ignore the fact that she turns 18 in a month. Yes, in four weeks she turns 18 and 8 weeks after that she will be graduated from high school. I remember being her age and she is so much wiser, so much stronger and has the world by the horns. As much as I want to not be sad about this wonderful milestone for her, allowing her to spread her beautifully mature wings, I can't help but selfishly want to hang on her ankles and beg her not to go. I know it's wrong. Because just as I watched her big brother blossom into the magnificently wonderful life he's growing into, I know she'll grow into her wings. Don't hear me wrong. I'm not apologizing for my selfishness and I won't hesitate to drive her to school, share a lunch with her during the schoolday or shop for glitzy fancy party dresses any chance I get. She's beautiful on the outside, but so much prettier on the inside. OK, I'm done now before I leak.
To each of you - a little late, but best wishes for a great 2013 and make it count. Love those who need loving, forgive who need forgiving and make the choice every day to be the best you there is.
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