Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Down in the Dumps.

Several people who are super important to me struggle daily with depression. Not just I-feel-sad-so-will-listen-to-some-sad-music-depression (although I'd bet there's far more of those, too), but really serious can't kick it depression.

As a Mom, I would love to say I have some stellar advice for it, but I have failed miserably here. Someone who is depressed is just that - depressed. They can't always bring themselves to the place they know they need to get to, to make the changes needed so that tomorrow will be different than today. For my inability to recognize this simple fact, I am sorry. My regrets are many surrounding this, and for that if one person gets anything out of this, I feel better. I can't fix those things, but I have learned a few others about it, so I will share the little that I do know.

So - if you struggle with that, this is obviously my attempt to give (unrequested) advice on what to do each and every day (aside from, of course, get professional help if you need it, because whether you want to admit it or not, you could almost 100% of the time benefit from that) to make sure that your tomorrow is as bright or brighter than today.

It sounds cheesy, but think happy thoughts. I know, every day isn't sunshine and lollipops (yes, I edited for g rating), but if something is eating away at you, fix it. If it's something you can't personally fix, figure out how you can manage and deal with it. If you can't, change the situation. Fix what you do have control over-- you reaction and feelings about it. Most of things that happened in the past can be "fixed" by acknowledging them. Either with the person that they happened with/for/because of or even on your own, but either way, free yourself from past.

Get out and do something for someone else. Someone who can't repay you, preferably. If you want to, make it simple - easy, anonymous. Pay for someone's soda at the store, leave a happy face note with a sweet note of encouragement on a windshield, volunteer (there are LOTS of places that need you that would be fun for you to volunteer at-call me. I can help if you need it!) I promise the game of it will improve your spirits.

Take care of something. Whether that's a cat, dog, plant, fish, sibling, yard, flowers, whatever. Take care of something and be the best care taker you can be. Spoil it rotten.

Talk to someone. Not just someone, but someone who is worthy of talking to. Someone who can not only listen, but hear without judgement. Someone who cares. But keeping it to yourself is quite possibly the worst thing you can do. Issues not dealt with eat at you and will surface on their own in another way. I know that sounds mumbo jumbo but I believe it wholeheartedly.

Get out a piece of paper and write down 10 things you have that you are grateful for. Don't forget the painfully obvious. Health is a great thing not to be taken for granted--just ask someone who has just been diagnosed with stage four cancer. A warm/cool place to sleep at night. Again, don't take anything for granted. Do this every day. Think of new things. Even the silly - your funny socks, or hairbows or gel finger nail polish or starbucks.

Talk to someone older than you. Think about yourself on the continuum of life and realize that although it is hard to see sometimes, our time on this planet is limited and whatever it is that is bothering you might not be worth the energy you're wasting. If it is, then work out a potential solution so that it's not a worry, but a triumph. If it's not, perspective sometimes is the best thing for it.

Celebrate yourself. When you do something (even something simple like getting out of bed when you don't feel like it), pat yourself on the back. Tell someone you did it so they can pat you on the back, too. People who love you are thrilled to have the opportunity to give you a high five and cheer you on. I promise. Let them.

I could go on and on, but the last thing I will leave you with is a bit harder sometimes. Fake it. If you are "in a bad mood", fake it. Not for everyone else's sake, but for your's. Put a smile on your face and I promise you if you hold it, you will actually feel differently. Fake it til you make it is part of lots of great songs, but it's true. Pretend to be outgoing/happy/proud/insert your own label here and not only will others see you that way, but you will, too.

From the bottom of my heart, know that you are cared about. I am always here. Anytime, day or night to listen, cheerlead if you need it, share a glass of wine, ice cream, laugh, or whatever else it is that your soul needs to find it's happy. I love you. Whether you think I am talking about you or not - I am.

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