Hunter, I hope you:
I hope you
- Find your voice
- Play, Have fun, Laugh, Don’t ever fear crying
- Make mistakes. Big, fat, hairy mistakes that sting. Just so you can get over them and realize sometimes the best things you'll ever do come out of them and that dusting yourself off and moving past them is not as hard as you thought. You're stronger than you can even know right now.
- Realize from the time I knew you existed, you have been loved, adored, cherished and not one thing you could ever do, say or be could ever change or cause even the briefest hiccup or pause in that
- Do what you love
- Know how you should be treated and don’t tolerate anything less
- Think of your childhood and smile
- Know your way back home
Remember apple pies, pier fishing, dumb and dumber, Saturday mornings getting warm, Ginger, Sunday volleyball games, first day of school breakfasts, family holidays, LoveMouse, Bud, elementary field trips, light sabers, splashing in rain puddles in front of the cows, slip and slides, volunteering, big back yard swings, chili cook-off’s, Dr. Seuss, Buzz Lightyear, Back street Boys, swimming in a barrel, Camp CommUnity, terminal braces, Stinky Beach
- Make time to spend time with your sister. Often.
- Will not hesitate to call if you need money, a ride home from anywhere, to talk, groceries, advice, dinner or a hug.
- Learn more about you.
- Are hurt just enough to know true love and kindness when you see it.
- Will call me.
- Will see a doctor if you don’t feel well.
- Will write, sing, draw, take pictures, paint or talk and let you out.
- Know how awesome kickass you are and that that’s all you’ve ever been.
- Try new things, people, places, stories, music and then come tell me about it.
- Know my door’s always open and you always have a place to come.
- Make you as proud as you make me.
- Kiss, hug, love, dance, laugh and explore without abandon
- Learn to dance, cook and clean well and always write thank you notes
- Cherish your body and every day of your life
- Choose to love you
- Be brave
- Love people and experiences for what they are and for what they aren’t.
- Allow yourself the freedom to be messy
- Smile at strangers
- Make friends with yourself
- Realize that even though nothing was traditional, that was our tradition
- Drive safely
- Stay up too late, and push yourself too hard and know that great things happen out of that.
- Allow yourself to be lazy occasionally too. Without regret
Dude, I love you and am so glad to be your Mom. You rock..
Wow. You're so good. (c: