I keep seeing tweets people are writing to their 16 year old seves. Of course, it makes me wonder what I'd want my 16 year old self to know. Here it goes:
Stranger danger is real. Candy in white vans is a bad idea. Always.
Proudly be the only one who doesn't do drugs, get high, have crazy sexcapades, get wasted often. Being the one who remembers everything, feels ok the next day and your brain cells are worth it. No one's ever been regretful they didn't alter their mind quite enough.
Finish school. Go as far as you can right now, it will never be easier and you'll never regret it. Even if you choose a lukewarm major, no one can ever take that away from you.
Know where to go when you need love. Know who gives hugs freely and warmly and without expectations and don't forget to reciprocate.
Your hair doesn't have to be that freaking big. Not at all necessary.
Morals and standards should be something you negotiate only with yourself. No one else.
In everything you do, put yourself into it. Whether its a piece of art, your writing, making a burger or planning a party. You will show you to the world, allowing them to experience that but you will experience more of life that way, too.
Make decisions based on what you want; don't sacrifice for others. If they are worth anything, they will still be there.
If someone tells or shows you they aren't good enough for you, believe them.
Wear sunblock!!!!!
Don't hide who you are. Being the best you you can be allows those around you the freedom to be the best them they can be.
If you are confused in any kind of relationship, something's wrong with it. Let it go and if it is meant to be, it will work itself out. If it doesn't, something better will take it's place.
Don't be afraid of falling in love. You will get hurt, and deeply. It will still be worth it.
Dare yourself to fail as often as you can. For every time you will fail, you will succeed many more times.
If you like something, say so. If you don't, say so.
Sometimes people won't like you. And sometimes that has nothing, in no way, not anything to do with you.
Learn to speak spanish.
Start eating better today. Don't ever quit exercising. It will be sooo much easier if you never stop.
You have no idea how amazing you look right now. Appreciate it. Moisturize and hydrate.
Take more pictures.
Date a lot of different types of people. Learn who you are and what you want.
Save more money.
Credit is bad. Just say no.
Ask for advice about big decisions. Don't take them on by yourself.
Worry less about keeping up with and impressing others and more about being present and experiencing laughter, love and joy.
Do yoga every day.
Read more books.
Write your family notes.
Have a trademark.
Take time to be with your friends more.
Learn to cook and do it well. Trust me, you'll need that!
Don't let your cosmetology license expire.
Know you are loved.
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