Windows are open, pool's too cool to swim in, its getting to be that time of year. That time of year where we begin to get crazy busy and hectic headaches from the frenzy of activity. We also, if we're smart, pause to appreciate and reflect the many many beautiful things in our world.
This year, although it's certainly had its share of life-changing moments that I wish hadn't had to happen, has been one huge flashlight on the beauty in my world. I am thankful for each of these things:
A son who is responsible and smart and I am proud to say ready to tackle his future with an open mind and heart. He is such a cool person and I'm not just saying that because I'm his mother. He's a neato human being. Really neato.
A daughter who is equal parts one of my best friends and the biggest pain in the butt I've ever known. She makes me laugh, teaches me patience and reminds me on a daily basis all the lessons I have taught her (irony is a funny thing). She's beautiful from the inside out and I'm proud to know her.
My family, the big, loud, dysfunctional at times, crazy-looking-family-tree with multiple branches that have the same title. The inlaws, outlaws, distant and close. All of them, each and every one. Those who have passed away, for the times we had with them and those we still have the opportunity to make more memories with.
The opportunity to work in a place I still love to go every day. It has changed immensely since the day I started, but through all the changes, the difference being made in lives is inspiring now more than ever and I love being on the sidelines and having a front row seat for those transformations.
My wonderful, funny, quirky, crazy girlfriends. Each of you serves a very different role, and I appreciate and love you all. The vegans, the carnivores, the moms, the non-moms, my mom, the ones with their girl cards and lots of makeup and frills and those without, the hippies, the conservatives, the ones who text late at night and make me laugh til I cry and pee my pants, the ones I laugh with, the ones I cry with, the ones who call me every week or two asking to go to lunch (and that I happen to miss every single time :(), the ones who are actually related to me and the ones who call themselves family, the divorced ones, the divorcing ones, the never married, the getting married ones, the yoga friends, the lunch buddies, the wine friends, the ones I rarely see, the call me when there's a mum emergency friends, the ones who send inappropriate pictures, the ones who can hear my voice and know somethings wrong (or very very right), the new ones, the old ones, the ones I can't live without and the ones I definitely couldn't live with. In many years, we will look back on our having raised these fabulous families (or not) and all the laughs, fun, and not fun fondly. Here's to many many more chapters to our books both together and separately.
My guy friends, too. My friends, my friends boyfriends, husbands, brothers, etc. I appreciate and love you, too.
My little piece of the earth. I love my back yard and even though it is not big, or fancy or new, it is home and has love and is comfortable and makes me happy. It still needs a completed master bath, but is oh so close-closer than its been in a looooong time. I love that with a second job and a commitment by a great ex-husband a girl could ask for, I have been able to stay in the house and allow the kids to have a little less trauma in their world.
Speaking of him, I am thankful for Josh. Seriously. He and I had a lot of great years together and he continues to be not only a great dad, but still a great friend to me. I love knowing that I have him in my corner and that he truly has my back. Learning from our mistakes in our relationship has given me a great starting point for a new one. I know many couples who have been divorced much longer who haven't yet reached the same level of friendship and its in no small part because he's a really great dad. I'm thankful we got through the past year with only a few small roadbumps and are where we are today.
Family game night. Silly fun and the greatest stress relief ever. Gosh we're loud!
I have at least ten kids who call me mom. That makes me happy and I'm thankful for you all.
For being healthy knowing people who are having to actively work hard to be that way.
Having the opportunity to give back to my community and all the friends I've made doing it. I'm thankful for the feeling it gives me and for my friends who humor me. Your willingness to be "voluntold" is much much appreciated.
Experiences I've had meeting new people, dating, the fun I've had, the lessons I've learned and things I've figured out about myself and others. The lessons I have yet to learn but will. I'm thankful for it all.
Pedicures with friends, even though no one else in the nail place is thankful we are there. We are loud and have a great time just like in yoga, as if no one else is there. :)
I am told at least twice a week that my life makes someone else tired. I am thankful for it all, exactly the way it is. I am also thankful for you. Yes, you. Thanks for your role-whatever that looks like, whether big or small, continuing or past tense in my life.
Enjoy the fall, appreciate the holidays and don't fret too much on the things that don't matter and spend lots of time on all the many things that do.
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