Today was the big day I've been waiting for. On one hand it was much more stressful than I imagined, but then again it was without any emotion at all, which was odd.
I couldn't sleep at all last night because I was really anxious. Not about the divorce itself, but the paperwork and whether or not I had filled everything out correctly. I was worried the judge would tell me I had done something wrong or needed additional documents and I would have to come back another day. Our court appt was at 8:00 am, so we had to leave ridiculously early. On the way there I got really nervous, but thankfully H was right before me, so I got to see it all in action. (she did terrific, by the way!) I was super scared about talking to the judge for some stupid reason -- just being in the courtroom was super intimidating. When the judge got to me, I had screwed up something with our paperwork and the bailiff had to bring it back to me (DOH!?!?!). I fixed it, and gave it back to the bailiff, the judge took another case and then got to my paperwork again. He got kinda irritated this time about not filling out my paperwork for me and the bailiff brought them back to me again. Heather helped me fix it again, and finally the bailiff came to me smiling and said I had finally gotten it right and I didn't even have to go talk to the judge at all. (I got to go through the express lane.)Our divorce is now final.
We picked up the police report from last week (she DOES have insurance!!) had some breakfast and margaritas and decompressed. I was able to share the day in every way with my hand-picked bff, and I couldn't ask for more.
We then spent the afternoon with our favorite hairdresser (Mimi, H and I) getting all prettied up. With a few exceptions, I couldn't have asked for a better day. Thank you for your support and love today, believe me, we both felt it. Now, about tomorrow... :)
Im excited for your new adventure