This last week (well, actually year) has been a whirlwind. Mitch and I had the honor and pleasure of chaperoning the after-prom-all-night-party and being there with our kiddo. Then last week, all the getting-ready-for-graduation hysteria, and alas, Sunday's big hooplah. High School Graduation - Birdville Hawks, Class of 2013.
Ick. She did it. I drove her to the Convention Center and she got out to go inside and as she walked away from me with her cap and gown over her arm, with her little curls bouncing and her sweet dress blowing in the wind, I started crying because I instantly was reminded of when she was running off into her kindergarten class. I got it all together and only sniffled a few times at graduation, more proud than sad. We celebrated big for her and I think she felt loved in the way she deserves to feel loved. It's fun to see her parents, step-parents, grand-parents, on and on all the people I
know love her surround her and be with her on these special milestones. As a mom, anyone who loves my kids is somewhat ok in my book. But what's
really fun is getting to meet her people - the people she's adding to her own village and those who recognize who she is. As her mom, it makes me giddy and puffy-chested.
Then, in very whirlwind fashion, she was scheduled to take her Cosmetology State Board practical exam 36 hours later. In Austin. Now, I'm not whining about
having to go visit Austin. At all. We took a little road trip together and it was not only a great memory, it was fun and I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
Sidenote - on the way to Austin, we stopped in West. Our hearts broke as we drove through the cute little town and saw the devastation left by the explosion. We knew, but seeing a woman in front of her house with no doors, windows, walls, etc., outside tending to her beautifully manicured flower garden was inspiring. She said with that act that she had no intention of being gone long. She has big plans to be right there and didn't want her roses, her petunias, her daffodils or her hydrangea to suffer because she missed a season of caring for them. Say a prayer for this town.
Now - Ivey and I stayed in a darling hotel, ventured out to Congress, 6th Street, and almost witnessed the bats, but settled for other adventures instead. I loved being by her side while she began her state board exam and sat outside on pins and needles waiting the three hours for her to come out after we models were done and had to leave. It was heart-wrenching watching her be so nervous, but I was equally as excited when she came out of the building grinning from ear to ear. So - we have a new hair stylist in the family, y'all!
Congrats to you and all that you are and all that you will be, Ivey Michelle. I'm proud to know you and prouder to be your mama and friend.