Today is the first day of Spring! We made it!!! I don't know about you, but this winter was for real for me. Besides being a small business owner and having to close the store for a few extra days, it also brought more than it's share of blahs in other ways. Welcome to Spring. Today's also give your friends a smile day (Well, I made that up.) I know this song may be over-played, and all the degrading things you can say about it, but I. Don't. Give. Two. Craps. It makes me happy. Simply hit stop if it doesn't do the same for you and shush your negativity.
A few truths today:
If you are somewhere you shouldn't be - don't be. Money is just money - a job that doesn't light your candle isn't all that. Get a new one. It will work out.
Although I am not fundamentally a believer in divorce (funny for a divorced chick to say, huh?), the place where I am today makes everything else worth it. Everyone deserves this kind of Happy. It's out there for everyone. I don't just believe it. I know it. Life is finite. Don't waste one single second on someone who isn't giving you their everything. If they left you (emotionally or physically), let them. Mourn and move on. Not to sound contradicting, but the flipside of that is the
ONLY way to have a really truly extraordinary partner is.....drum roll be one.
If you're unhealthy - fix it as best you can. There may be a time when running and cutting out cookies won't make a difference and you'll be sorry you didn't take those simple steps when you had the chance.
Surround yourself by people who make you comfortable. Not always agreeable - most of my favorite people call me out on my BS so hard it will make your head spin - but they are also among the few that I trust because they care enough to go to bat, even with the ugly.
People feel better when they've been useful. If you can't find work, volunteer, give back, do something outside yourself. Trust me, someone will take notice. The universe will recognize.
Tomorrow is never guaranteed. Take time out for walks, talks, dates, lunches, coffee (or tea) breaks, make time for that someone special. Do something silly. Do something naughty. Do something for no other reason than because it will make mad fun pictures. Take a friend. If not for you, for them. It's good for your soul.