Monday, June 11, 2012

New beginnings

Just like sunrises and sunsets, there are times for everything. Times to come and time to go, time to begin and time to end. Time to know what you're holding and time to walk away. Oh - sorry.

Welp-We did it. Mitchell Jobe and I got married. Yep, I am now Erika Stanford Jobe. We had the greatest wedding (We would say so, though, wouldn't we?), exactly how we wanted it with exactly the right people there. (If you weren't there, please don't consider that in any way a diss, but we just choose to look at what was rather than what wasn't.) It was romantic, and fun, and sweet and funny and so 100% every bit me and Mitch each and us combined. I was never that girl who dreamt of a big wedding or fabulous designer dress, or never even wanted a spotlight and all else that goes along with that. That never interested me-for me. I love it for other people if that's their thing, and love getting to help them create reality out of their dream, but just had no desire of that for me. Although most everything was completely understated and easy-going (guests wore flip-flops, many wore shorts, and two even wore their "foot-loose, fancy free happy pants" as instructed to in the invitation --Rog, Deb, I love that you went through that much trouble and am so grateful for the words you spoke and the energy you brought. Simply beautiful.), it was also everything I'd hoped it would be. All the things we thought were important were exactly how they were planned. We had people we love and who love us there to celebrate and I got to finally use all the funky fabric I've been hoarding (yes, I'm outting myself) and it was almost 100% green. Nothing thrown away, with the exception of bottles, which were recycled. Heather married us to a Dr. Seuss woven medley she handcrafted herself with expert skill. Ivey, Kim, Hunter, Mimi, Brenda, Nana, Chris E., Butler, Feesh and Mr. Fabulous singer man who all delivered powerful prose. Wow. All poetic, beautiful, thoughtful, and much much appreciated, moving, inspiring and well, we're grateful.

Other than getting hitched and stuff, the biggest thing going on right now is after 10 great big heart bubble-full years, I have decided to leave the YWCA. I am going to go out and try things on my own. Since I have been on the side doing  day-of wedding coordinating for a while, and have done quite a few full-coordination/planning events for people I know and love, I am going to give that a go for a full-time gig. I know people (said in the ridiculous accent it was meant to be said in) so - if you know anyone getting married, pass on my name. I'd love to help! I need the experience and will give it my all. I am also going to help Mitch with Second Chance Resale. I'd love to help some small non-profits build their volunteer programs and well, just see where the world leads me.

Hunter moved out. Again. I am super happy for him, and I guess the fact that he has stayed here some has made it easier to manage. The slow go. (Thank you for that Hunter). Call him and check on him. He won't get mad if you do it. (and then call and let me know he's ok)  Ivey is gone, but only for a week thankfully, to camp. She starts her senior year next year, and oddly enough when she gets back from camp starts working - at the YWCA! She's going to be delivering sandwiches at lunch on a bicycle to the Sundance Square area. Snazzy, huh?

We leave next week for Fort Lauderdale for a little honeymoon. To say we are excited is kind of a gross understatement. We have spent the past eight weeks jumping and hopping every night planning for this spectacular event that turned out worth every second we spent preparing (in other words--not complaining!). We are now looking forward to nothing. On the beach. And maybe some margaritas. And some more nothing. On the beach.

Peace, love and the Jobe-ley's live happily ever after.