Alright, so it's time. Hunt's actually leaving today for college. I have a feeling things will never be the same. Not that that's bad, but Denton will change him somehow, and obviously thats s what's supposed to happen. It's progress. It's growth, it's wing-spreading and self-awareness and reality checks (on our part, as well as his), and fun, and umbilical cord cutting and exciting and beautiful and just right, not fun, but right still.
Hunt, you are leaving and taking a big part of me with you. I have watched you sleep many, many nights in the past 18 1/2 years and I will no longer have that opportunity but I am still with you. You are taking with you your grandpa's nightstand that he built with his own two hands, and your Mimi's Beatles quilt she made with her own two hands and your sister's old comforter and her very best friend since birth is going with you, so take good care of him. You are taking your dad's bicycle to move you around campus and a lock to help keep it safe from your Papa and DeeDee, along with lots of cool posters to remind you of home from them too. You're taking a microwave from Mitch and of course you're taking rugs and towels and all the other things you've collected either on your own or with the help of those who love you. You're taking the many many supportive "village members" who've not only watched you turn into the wonderful man you've become, but who've had a hand in it in one way or another. They each one feel personally vested in your future and your well-being and just so you know it - your happiness. Know that each of those people, our families, our friends, and friends kids, our friends parents, ALL your grandparents, your aunts, your uncles, your nieces, your nephews, people who don't know you but know someone who does--- we're all rooting for you. We're all proud of you, and we all know you can do it. I feel safe in speaking for each and every one of "us" when I say, we are all here when you need anything, to talk, a ride home (from anywhere, anytime), to talk, to be there. We are counting on you to kick butt and take names. So go do your thing little man and I'll see ya next Sunday!
I love you,