I'm thankful for:
- Hunt's new Macbook (yep, I'm using it)
- Pinterest (the newest version of guilty pleasure!)
- sweet messages from my middle school friend reminding me she loves me
- purple sugar free koolaid
- breakfast with Ivey, Mimi, Sami and Syd-Vicious today!
- breakfast, lunch and dinner with my Fresh, Buffalo, Mimi, Poppy, grandparentals and Carrie (at different times) this week
- getting to share a Ranger game with friends and a few thousand others who seemed to enjoy being there, as well :)
- getting to have a birthday party for some of the little people in my world at our house next weekend and seeing family and friends to celebrate them
- the universe sending me the missing puzzle piece called Mitch. Well worth the wait.
- getting to go to work each day with people I adore and aspire to be more like doing what makes my heart happy - and getting paid to do it
- my big crazy weird family with all their quirkiness and warm fuzzys, too. Oh! Speaking of fuzzies--Fuzzy's Tacos, Yucatan Taco Stand, um, well, Taco places in general.
- for the things that are over, and the things that are yet to be.
- Hunter spreading his wings and taking off (yes, this is a little bit to keep from crying about it). I'm thankful that he's done what he's done, is going where he's going and the opportunity to be a part of it all. Mostly, though, I'm thankful for the next couple of weeks and the fact that he understands that I'm hanging on for dear life.
- First Day of School Breakfast that's coming soon! Even though it'll be different, we're doing it, so let me know if you're coming!
- Food in general
- knowing that I can perform an emergency wedding service in a pinch.
- Ivey and her intuitiveness and thoughtfulness and just general way of being that makes me proud to know a person like her
- My two new pairs of "sensible shoes" and being complimented on how cute they are
- Getting to plan my cousin's wedding and be a part of their big day that's coming up fast!
- my little, messy, dog-hair rich, happy, fun house, but the thing I love most about my house is the people I share it with (no, I didn't think of that on my own -- PINTEREST!)
- all the many things I will think of throughout today that I forgot to mention here.
In short, I'm grateful for my health, my possessions and having enough of them to share with others, for my friends, for my love, for the things I have, for the things I don't and for exactly the way things are now and exactly the way they'll be tomorrow. Here's to health, love, and well-being for all.