We had a lovely Christmas, was able to see lots of family but missed seeing some too and hope to remedy that really really really soon!! (I'm subtle, huh?) Santa brought Hunter and Ivey 100 $1 bills. The condition was that they had to distribute it Christmas morning. So we set out to figure out how to pay it forward. First we decided to pretend our car was broken down and planned to give it to whoever stopped. Well, either my ADD, impatience or the fact that everyone assumes everyone has cell phones made that a bad plan. So we found a homeless man and Hunter and Ivey gave it to him and we went home. I think it was a fun tradition that we will do from now on, and hopefully they will have time between now and next Santa's visit to think of some really creative way to give it away that will be really meaningful.
Things are good. 2010 was full of a whole lot of firsts and new beginnings for all of us. Some ugly stuff but a whole whole lotta growing and retooling and getting to know the new us a little better. I am becoming more and more aware of how rich I am with friends-new and old, the wonderful man who I have the priviledge of calling my son, and the beautiful girl I get to call my daughter, my job, my coworkers and professional friends. I am also becoming more and more aware of the clock that is ticking towards Hunter's leaving for college. It makes me have a knot in my stomach and feel like a noose is being slipped around my neck. But I have to add that in addition to the panicky ooky feeling, I also couldn't be more proud of the man he has become. He is not only brilliant, but one of the funniest people I know, deep, kind and really thoughtful in a very forgetful way. He is responsible in a way that amazes me (don't look at his bedroom for evidence of this!). He has money stashed in bank accounts all over town and manages his money in a way that I couldn't do until I was, well, honestly...at least 35 (I'll have to get back with you on the age I settle on). All in all, though, I feel really good about where I am, and where we're headed. I've made some new friends. I have fallen out of like with others. One thing is for certain - each of them is important and has been an important part of every step of the way - every one. This year, I plan to:
- Run more (that wouldn't be hard--at all--since I have run literally nada lately, but I mean regularly, like every day again)
- Attend a few weddings (not the ones I'm working...but specific ones. AHEM!)
- Take dance lessons
- See more live music.
- Finish more books.
- Do something every day that challenges me.
- Enjoy the heck out of my limited time with my dude and the girl.
- Learn to manage my money as wisely as my dude does his.
- Paint more.
- Potty mouth less.
Become cultured, mature enough to not giggle at accidental references to body parts in inappropriate settings. Learn to not cry when I try to I am trying to control a laugh because really-- I'm an adult, I should have more control over myself?!
- Take more pictures.
- Finish my bathroom (I am giddy as I write that because it REALLY REALLY is getting close!?!?!) I promise more pictures as more is complete.
- Leave divorces, cancer and all the ugly in 2010 and enjoy the heck out of a healthy, happy safe 2011.